Allergens contained or that can be found are:
Fish and products thereof
Tonno scottato
Cereals containing gluten
Crema di zucca
Nuts and products thereof
Crema di zucca
Milk and products thereof
Crema di zucca
Lupin and products thereof
Crema di zucca
Celery and products thereof
Crema di zucca
Sesame seeds and products thereof
Crema di zucca
Soybeans and products thereof
Crema di zucca
These information refer to the 14 main allergens identified by the existing regulation (save from ingredients excluded from the regulation). Such list is base on the data submitted by our suppliers, which relate to their products' composition for the ingredients voluntarily added. Nonetheless, we cannot entirely exclude the fortuitous presence of other allergenic ingredients that may be found in the production of this food products from our suppliers or due to their in use in the restaurant.
The products composition might be subject to changes. We will make our best efforts to update this section, especially when we will be informed of the change of the composition of one of them. We invite you to visit this section regularly and to submit the various items of this section to your physician or allergist in order be advised about the food choice.